Thursday, October 28, 2010

Grayson: I'm Up By "at least 23 Points" Even though Polls Say I'm Down Seven

Democratic incumbent Alan Grayson of Florida's Eighth District has said plenty of crazy things in his two years in office.  I won't bore you with all of them, but here are a few: he said that Republicans want people to "die quickly," that people will resort to cannibalism if government spending is cut, that his campaign headquarters is like "ground zero at Hiroshima," and that President Bush knew about 9/11 before it happened.

Yet the most important thing that he did this election cycle is release a fraudulent attack ad that completely backfired and launched his opponent, Republican Daniel Webster, well ahead of him.  Well, at least the polls and his constituents say that Webster is way ahead, because Grayson says that the polls are off by "at least" 30 points.

Real Clear Politics says that Grayson is behind Webster by seven points.  Still close to the margin of error, Fox News has declared the race a "toss up."  Well, Grayson scoffs at that, declaring that he is up by 23 points:
You know something that I don't get?  I know that Grayson is, if not totally, borderline insane, right?  But if you are nuts or part of the left fringe, why advertise it right before election day?  Wouldn't he want to try to get extra votes, instead of scaring (more of) his constituents with his crazy antics?

But then again, I (or you) should not be trying to understand a man who warned of a coming wave of cannibalism:
Hopefully in five days we will never have to talk about this person again (assuming he doesn't get a gig at MSNBC or CNN).

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