Thursday, June 27, 2013

Attack on Damascus Christian Neighborhood Claims 4

Through out the entire Syrian civil war there has been one sizable yet quiet portion of the population that has mostly decided remaining on the sidelines would be better than to risk life and limb for potentially supporting the wrong side: and that would be Syria's more than two million worshippers of Christianity.
Who, despite their longstanding neutrality, were targeted last night by what government officials called a suicide bomber and rebel forces a mortar attack in a Christian neighborhood of Damascus, near the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church, which claimed the lives of four innocent souls.
Which is just another reason for the Syrian Christian community to remain on the sidelines in their fellow countryman's increasingly bloody and barbaric battle for control. As if the example of Egyptian tolerance falling by the wayside following Mubarak's fall wasn't bad enough, they now have to contend with the fear of partisan attack within their own land.
What say you?
P.S. - Some might note that the Christian community has even supported al-Assad's regime in Syria's ongoing civil war, and they would be correct. Mostly due to fears of an Islamic takeover and the fact Assad's sect of Islam, Alawite, is historically tolerant of other religions and even at one point mingled both Christianity, Islam and other faiths in their worship.

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