Saturday, December 10, 2011

Supporting Newt is Racism?

So says Glenn Beck.  It is no secret that Beck doesn't like Newt; no, it is more like he can't stand him.  That is fine, he has the right to his opinion.  Beck doesn't think that there is a big difference between Newt and President Obama.  He feels that they are so much alike that if a tea party member supports Newt it must mean that they don't like Obama due to racism.  
“If you have a big government progressive, or a big government progressive in Obama… ask yourself this, Tea Party: is it about Obama’s race? Because that’s what it appears to be to me. If you’re against him but you’re for this guy, it must be about race. I mean, what else is it? It’s the policies that matter.”
The stretch in logic that one must make to come to this conclusion must mean that Beck is a contortionist.  Look Newt has issues.  He has done many things that upset social conservatives, he has upset the republican establishment (not to say to that is bad thing), he has upset moderates, and he certainly has upset the left (again, not a bad thing).  

But, to think that Newt would have done the things that Obama has done over the past three years is simply ludicrous.  Would we have Obamacare?  Would we have had almost a trillion dollar in stimulus that really only stimulated friends of the far left?  Would he have signed Dodd/Frank?  I don't think any of these things would have happened.  

Does he really want me to believe that Newt's supporters are racist?  Newt also has done some very good things in his career.  He led the first republican comeback of the House of Representatives.  When others said it couldn't be done, he did it anyway.  Many of the things that are traditionally credited to President Clinton; such as welfare reform and balanced federal budget, were done under his watch.  

This is not the first time that Beck has played the race card.  Let's hope it is his last.  

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  1. I'm really disappointed in Beck for this.

  2. Beck's standing is completely shot with this. Once and for all. He's accusing tea party folk of racism for supporting Newt!!!
