Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nordin Amrani Facebook Profile Found?

With the terrible attack in Belgium earlier today, we took a look at the suspected attacker. Nordin Amrani allegedly launched the attack. We have two potential facebook profiles. One is "Amrani Nordin", found here.
The little information that is on the page is in French, which would synch with the attack happening in Belgium.

The second has no picture or details, but is under his name "Nordin Amrani", and can be found here. This one is in English.

There's a third here, which is also in French, but the name is "Nordine Amrani"


  1. Well, congratulations! What is the purpose of this? Investigative journalism, come on! Sooo nice if you happen to be called Nordine Amrani en see you picture here...
    Please get a life. And some morality.

  2. Anonymous...
    True enough, its not fair to expose people who are not involved in this. But, without still justifying it, have you seen any mainstrem media working on that topic?
    Nope. None. Obviously that sort of intel has become a laymans biz. And laymen are laymen.

  3. If it was your photo or your child's being posted on a web site about a horrific crime, your perspective would change in a second.

  4. "Truth can stand by itself" but idiotic posts need fools to prop them up

  5. The real pic has been published in media. Now grow some balls and do what you're supposed to do.
