Monday, October 03, 2011

Amanda Knox Acquitted

From ABC:
A jubilant Amanda Knox was cleared of murder charges today by an Italian appeals court today, ending her four-year prison ordeal and clearing the way for the American student to return home to Seattle.

The tension of the moment was so acute and full of dread for Knox that she looked pale and physically ill when she was brought into the courtroom for the verdict. A female member of her legal team knelt next to Knox to comfort her.

When the judge cracked the tension by announcing her acquittal, Knox nearly collapsed. She was rushed out of the courtroom, barely able to walk, stumbling while being hauled along by court officers.

The former exchange student was crying and doubled over, her head occasionally coming up for big breaths of air.

Left behind in the courtroom was the family of Meredith Kercher, Knox's British roommate who she was accused of killing. Kercher's mother, Arline Kercher, sat stoicly long after the elated Knox family hugged each other fiercely and streamed out into the street.

In the street, the family was greeted with cheers and boos with some shouting "disgrace."
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