Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Wikileaks Almost Compromised bin Laden Killing

In all of the well-deserved euphoria after the death of Osama bin Laden, all of the news coming out is not positive. Despite the decapitation of al Qaeda, new evidence has appeared that shows that the United States may not have gotten the chance to even pull the trigger.

It turns out that Wikileaks, which so far has been largely praised on the Left, almost compromised the attempt to nab the fugitive terrorist. Wikileaks also leaked Afghanistan and Iraq War documents, perhaps helping the Taliban know our strategy in the Central Asian country.

Now, if you need evidence that the Wikileaks leakers are criminals, it comes in the person of Osama bin Laden's corpse:
For although the CIA has thought since September that he was in hiding in Abbottabad, special forces stormed his fortress only days after the website published new secret documents.

These made reference to named ‘couriers’ carrying Bin Laden’s message to his followers, and also to Abbottabad as a possible Al Qaeda bolthole.

As if this isn't enough, you can see that timing was critical and even a delay of a single day could have given Osama another chance to get away:

As a result, last night it was suggested the operation had to be launched before Bin Laden knew the game was up.

Wikileaks is killing American servicemembers in Afghanistan and has almost given a pass to bin Laden. Time to lock up Assange and keep Bradley Manning behind bars.

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