Friday, May 13, 2011

NASA-Funded Group Caught Doctoring Global Warming Data

No surprise here. Another day, another study that was intentionally doctored to make so-called "global warming," now called "global climate change," more alarming.

This time they were caught. A NASA-funded group at the University of Colorado discovered that sea levels were not rising nearly as much as expected. Their solution: just arbitrarily make the number higher.

Unfortunately for the University of Colorado Sea Level Research Group, global sea rates rose a mere .83 inches for the last decade. That's .083 inches a year, or the width of twenty-five pieces of hair. These scientists decided that wasn't nearly enough, so they decided to add over 10% of "growth" to their data.

The group's excuse: they need to "compensate" for a rising land mass. That's right, not only are sea levels rising slowly, but our land is rising as well.

More from Forbes:
For example, the current pace of 8 inches of sea level rise for the present century is essentially no different than the 7 inches of sea level rise that occurred last century. However, with an artificially enhanced 9.2 inches of sea level rise, alarmists can claim sea level is rising 31 percent faster than it did last century.

Even under this scenario, sea level is not rising nearly as fast as IPCC and other alarmists have predicted. Nevertheless, a quick Google search of “sea level” and “global warming” shows an overwhelming number of items claiming dramatic and accelerating sea level rise, with very few items reporting that alarmist predictions and computer models are being contradicted by real-world data. The newly adjusted NASA-funded sea level data will merely add fuel to the errant fire.

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  1. We go from a moon landing to global warming fraud and "Muslim outreach"?

  2. " they decided to add over 10% of "growth" to their data."

    From this, it sounds like they just didn't add 10% to the final figure after a certain date, it sounds like they actually added a curve over time.

    If that is the case, that is outright fraud. Adding 10% to modern readings and not adding the same to all historical measurements should end someone's career.

  3. Global alarmist liars
