Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Vote in Our Poll: What will Happen in Libya?

 With the situation in Libya heating up, it becomes more apparent with every passing hour that the situation could explode. The dictatorship of Muommar Qaddafi has ruled the country with an iron fist since 1969. There are also reports of helicopter gunships and fighter jets attacking demonstrators in the street. So what will happen? It's unknown right now, but what do you think may occur in the coming weeks and months?

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  1. Obama will be elected president of libia after showing his kenyan BC.

  2. Qaddafi will be neutralized, covert forces will be responsible, and it's anybody's guess who will be credited. But Obama's kenyan dictator cousin Raila Odinga will be calling the shots locally.

  3. Obama is silent as allies are overthrown, and silent when Iran stays in place.

    When the political winds shift in an ugly direction, I will stand Muslim. Barack Hussein Obama from his book.

  4. Wonder if Israel has offered Q'Daffy asylum yet?

    Talk about a poke in the eye!

  5. He will pack up his tent and head for Donald Trump's place again.
