Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Best in the Biz

As a new site, we have many things that we want to do and see in the future.  One of them is to emulate some of the best conservative websites out there.  As a thank you to all of the sites that have shaped who we are and what we want to be like, here are links to them:

Reaganite Republican:  Some of the sharpest political commentary on the internet.

The Lonely Conservative:  A quick wit and smart news.  What's not to love?

Hot Air: If you don't know who these guys are, you're not paying attention.

Pirate's Cove: Intelligence wrapped around politics.

Capital Commentary: Good site design and even better writing.

Michelle Malkin: Sublime.

Gateway Pundit: It doesn't hurt to be right all the time.

Drudge: One of the best of the best.

Remember to subscribe and comment!

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