Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Iowa Discrepancies Highlight Need for Sanders to Keep Third Party Run Open

The coin flips heard round the world have reverberated through the foundation of American democracy. While in some cases games of chance or coin flips have been used to settle tied elections, there hasn't been a similar high-profile case where it has been done while the official results of the election are still being counted.

Worse yet, there is considerable concern that the coin flips were done while the Democratic Party has still not released the results of the numerical votes at the caucus. Statistics and intensity appear to indicate that Sanders won the overall turnout game across the state, especially in college towns.

Furthermore, Hillary Clinton's email scandal continues to grow, with many Sanders supporters now pledging that they will not support Clinton if she is the nominee. Noted Hillary supporter Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri has stated that Sanders would be demolished in a general election.

Now that Clinton tied Sanders in Iowa it would appear that her campaign is ready to go much, much more negative. David Brock has been raising concerns about Sanders' 'socialist label' and his ability to get programs through Congress. Note the disdain from Clinton when Chris Matthews of MSNBC asked her if she could compete with a 'revolution.'

Sanders has stepped up the distinctions with Clinton saying that there are many examples of how she is not progressive.

All of these elements tied together further highlight Senator Sanders' need to hold open the door for a possible third party run, especially with millions of voters stating that they will not vote for Clinton or the Republican Party candidate.

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