Friday, August 28, 2015

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream for everyone

Martin Luther King Jr. wanted his own children, and all people to be judged by their character, not the color of their skin. Which means, a colorblind society begins with each individual looking at the character of other individuals instead of their color or gender.

What does that say about the character of someone who is forever looking for racism in others?

If it takes a village to raise a child, then that means it involves everyone regardless of color or gender to raise a child. If you want a child to be respectful to you, you have to show respect to someone regardless of color or gender. This is not difficult, but it is if you insist you are not the problem and not the solution.

Not only would Dr. King be amazed at how his words have been interpreted and by whom, but he might not be happy with those individuals who have “hijacked” his words. In fact, from experience, I believe those individuals (and you know who they are) who have deliberately misconstrued Dr. King’s words will wish they had not chosen the hate filled path of violent destruction, which is not what Dr. King advocated.

One of the great tragedies of our society is that simple-minded people with shallow and superficial thoughts and observational abilities fail to recognize their shortcomings.

The term “segregation,” in the context of race relations and civil rights, is a condition imposed upon some by others or by broader society. It does not refer to people voluntarily migrating or to people freely associating as they will, even if those migrations and associations do not result in a uniform distribution of races and ethnicities in all places.

The great achievement of the civil rights movement is in removing the obstacles to the exercising of individual freedoms by minorities. It is not about forcing people to blend together, no matter how much the finger-wagging do-gooders insist that it should be.

Forcing people today to live other than how they wish to is little different from forcing people half a century and more to live other than how they wished to.

So, no, we’re not “resegregating,” not in the colloquial and racially charged sense of the word. To think so is either to be guilty of shallow and dubious thought processes, or to be cynically race-baiting. Neither is acceptable.

Notwithstanding this treatise on black migration, a more critical change that has occurred since MLK has been the disintegration of the black family.

What has been the chief cause of that, in my opinion, has been the seduction by liberal politicians of black people to surrender their work ethic and pride in exchange for easy government handouts (and votes) and you enhance the crumbling of the black community, including education, moral character, and future job prospects. Throw in the hip-hop culture that debases women and promotes a “gangsta” attitude, and the result is near catastrophic. This country now needs another MLK to change course before it’s too late.

There is another purpose for the left’s fixation on racism. They hold to a paradigm that “they care” and that “the other guys don’t.” It’s not just theater for the sake of winning a political battle. They really, really, really do believe it.

To accept that racism has diminished is to believe that racism from “the other side” has diminished. Liberals cannot do that, for “the other side” is corrupted in their faith. The paradigm switch that would be required for them to believe racism has diminished would also require them to believe themselves less special.

Paradigms don’t switch that easily for those who have a personal stake in them.

Although Dr. King did a superb job of bringing not only awareness into this country’s consciousness, but a vision as well, which propelled the plight of black America forward, sadly there is a need for a critical turn to prevent the threat and actuality of backsliding.

A new leader has to focus on the ills of today rather than being stuck in the past as these “Reverends” currently are (to play on emotion and greed). A new leader must emerge to espouse reversing the disintegration of the family unit, shine a bright light on the corruption of hip-hop on youth, and offer a new vision of self-reliance over dependence, encourage self-respect, the importance of education, and an honest work ethic.

Until the true leaders of independent thought in the black community are given the same air time as the race baiters and hustlers get on the mainstream media, there can be no “conversation” or progress. These leaders are anathema to the liberal left and professional race baiters, because they are very successful in their own right and rose above racism.

Barack Obama knows how to play the media and his audience like a violin and has been more destructive to the black community than any president since Woodrow Wilson, who segregated the military almost 100 years ago. Until the black community understands that following the path of “Reverends” such as Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson is not the one Dr. King proposed, there can be no progress.

Victimization is a harmful burden that people like Sharpton and Jackson place on the black community. A beautiful black baby boy or girl is not born a victim. Victimization is taught and its burden weighs one down.

Sharpton and Jackson revel in the victimhood line because it positions them as the men that will fix everything. This is the same transparent trick that Obama uses. President Obama brings up some made up straw man story and rushes in to solve the problem. Sharpton and Jackson use of the same tool when making blacks feel like victims.

The truth is that every black man or women is a potential hero, mother, father, employee, employer or just about anything they want to be. How about talking up the black community and celebrating its potential. Positive thinking and encouragement will win over victimhood, unless you are a Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson.

It is the interest of black Americans to focus more on uplifting and fixing the community than trying to uncover some type of hidden racism. Let’s face it, race is sometimes still an issue, but there are way too many stories of individuals that have overcome such obstacles for race to remain the focus of the black community.

Progress in the black community, at least at this point, needs to focus on factors that seem to go above and beyond race, i.e., socioeconomic issues, health issues, etc. If the black community focused its efforts on these matters, rather than being reactionary, and focusing on incidents where race seems to be a factor; a lot of the issues regarding race would likely fall by the wayside.

This is not to say that there aren’t racists, because that will continue to be true, but people should not define their position in this world as appearing to wait for such incidents to focus on the collective progress.

I look forward to the day where people are judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. However, we have a myriad of policies that force us as a society to consider race, religion, sexual orientation, and gender in the vain attempt of trying to make things “equal”.

The only way we will ever achieve equality is when we start actually treating all demographics equally, and stop trying to manipulate and socially engineer for political gain.

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