Monday, March 09, 2015

U.S. Senator Tim Scott: Race relations have not progressed under President Obama

Speaking From Montgomery, Alabama, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) notes that race relations under have not progressed under President Obama's leadership.

"I would say that we have probably had a neutral position on progressing from a racial perspective in America over the last few years.

"We have not made as much progress as we would like to have seen. The last six years have been challenging" for African-Americans, Scott said.

"Unemployment rate is near 12 percent overall. The poverty rate is near 28 percent. I will tell you that the last six years have not been good for most folks, middle America and down," Scott said.

Scott also addressed the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

"What I would support is taking a second view of the Voting Rights Act and see how we can apply it universally to all Americans, every place, and let's judge people and states based on their performance today," Scott said.


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