UPDATE: Senator Sanders filibuster lasted eight and a half hours today.
TALK BERNIE TALK! The more time Bernie talks....The less time the Senate votes!
Bernie Sanders, the self admitted Socialist Senator from Vermont, has been filibustering the tax cut compromise between President Obama and Washington Republicans for over six hours now. The Senator* first launched his filibuster at 10:25 this morning (according to CSPAN), and has been lambasting the wealthy ever since.
The Senator has been the most talked about subject on twitter this afternoon, and his own staff has been using the social media outlet to update his 13,000+ followers since the filibuster started this morning. He also received some help from two fellow Senators - both Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana have filled in for Sanders for over an hour on the Senate floor.
How long can he go? Tune into CSPAN for the free entertainment.
* - Elected in 2006.
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