Wednesday, June 24, 2015

President Obama kicks transgender illegal immigrant out White House: 'You're in my house!'

Editor's note to Barack Obama: The White House is not your house, it belongs to the American people, despite what you might think Mr. President.

As Obama was announcing new LGBT community protections on Wednesday at the White House, a transgender illegal immigrant began interrupting the President.

“No, no, no , no. Listen, you’re in my house.

"You’re not going to get a good response from me by interrupting me like this.

"Shame on you, you shouldn’t be doing this.

"As a general rule, I am just fine with a few hecklers. But not when I am up in the house.

"My attitude is if you’re eating the hors d'oeuvres, you know what I’m saying? And drinking the booze? I know that’s right," President Obama said.

President Obama had the heckler, who was later indentified as Jennicet Gutiérrez, removed from the White House.

Gutierrez, a transgender illegal immigrant, was a founding member of FAMILIA TQLM, established to advocate for LGBTQ immigrants.

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