Friday, April 17, 2015

Hunger Games Actress Declares Hair Styles Racist, Tied to Trayvon Martin

In the latest part of the outrage parade, a 16 year old Hunger Games star has declared the use of certain hair styles as racist. According to Amandla Stenberg, non-blacks wearing cornrows represent 'cultural appropriation' and slammed popular public figures for using the style in their fame.

Buzzfeed has a particularly bizarre article relating to the video. In it, it shows stills and gifs of Stenberg's rant. In part, Stenberg declared that the rise of white rappers Macklemore and Iggy Azalea have been tied to their 'appropriation' of black culture. She states that their increased popularity has been in part influenced by large scale protests regarding the killings of Trayvon Martin and Eric Garner.

She finishes the video with what she sees as a poignant point: "What would America be like if it loved black people as much as it loves black culture?"


  1. She finishes the video with what she sees as a poignant point: “What would America be like if it loved black people as much as it loves black culture?”
    We don't love black culture we despise it.

  2. Seems some people are doing verbal and mental contortions to make some weird point? I think they need to get over themselves. Certain styles, whether music or HAIR, doesn't BELONG to anyone. Get "upset" about things that matter! Everything is racist now -- give it a rest already. And this little girl (in the video) is just plain silly.

  3. What would it be like if black people mirrored white people and white culture? Let's say that the 15% of the population that is black had the same levels of arrest, imprisonment, high school and college graduation, percentage of legitimate births, intact families, drug use, welfare participation, abortion, income and employment as whites? What would GDP be?

  4. thinkingdownstreamApril 18, 2015 at 5:55 AM

    If she really wants to go there with "cultural appropriation" then she needs to immediately get the hell off of YouTube, out of the movies, stop listening to recorded music, using mobile phones, the Internet, PCs, cars, medical care, municipal sanitation systems, airplanes, electrical utility provided power, petroleum products, etc., etc., etc. because she is appropriating the culture of European and Asian-Americans.

  5. Me thinks she really didn't think this through 'cause that isn't her natural hair. No more wigs or straightener, little girl.
