Friday, March 08, 2013

BB Guns, Cupcakes, and Toy Soldiers Oh My

A mom in Michigan made 30 chocolate cupcakes for her son Hunter's class birthday party.  She brought the cupcakes to the office so that they could bring them to the classroom, which they accepted.  Within 15 minutes of dropping off her cupcakes, she received a phone call about said cupcakes to tell her that they couldn't be served.

You see Hunter helped his mom decorate the cupcakes and used toy soldiers to do so.  These soldiers were replicas of those who served in WWII.  The school, in their infinite wisdom, decided that those soldiers were upsetting to the children and "insensitive".    The school has doubled down and defended this action:
“These are toys that were commonplace in the past,” she wrote. “However, some parents prohibit all guns as toys. In light of that difference, the school offered to replace the soldiers with another item and the soldiers were returned home with the student.”
“Living in a democratic society entails respect for opposing opinions,” she stated. “In the climate of recent events in schools we walk a delicate balance in teaching non-violence in our buildings and trying to ensure a safe, peaceful atmosphere.”
First, one would think that someone with the education she must have she would understand that do not live in a democracy, we live in a Constitutional Republic.  Look, I understand that there are many parents who do not give their children guns to play with, I respect that.  But I don't see how exposing our children to WWII soldiers is really giving them guns to play with.  These soldiers have been rightly labeled "The Greatest Generation", have we forgotten how much they sacrificed in order to keep the American way of life?  This isn't hyperbole, fascism and totalitarism was on the march and those soldiers gave their lives so it wouldn't reach our shores.

Hunter's dad has had this to say:
Fountain said it was beyond outrageous to compare American soldiers to deranged mass murderers.
“In our politically correct society they can’t separate the good from the bad,” he said. ”I’m sure hammers are allowed in schools — although a lot of people are killed by hammers.”
We have become so politically correct in our society that we can't see the forest thru the trees.
Another similar incident is making some news as well.

Do you remember the Denise's husband Martin from the Cosby Show?  His real name is Joseph C. Phillips, he is married with children and living in the Los Angeles area.  His son is 15 years old.  He used his own money to buy himself one of those air BB  guns.  He was very proud of his purchase, I am sure that he used money he earned at his dad's restaurant was part of that pride.  His son was showing a picture (yes, you read that correctly) on his phone to his friends.  A teacher happened to be walking by.  The teacher not only confiscated the phone, he also questioned the boy's mental state.  To make matters worse, his parents were not contacted by the school.  His son finally told him about the incident days after it happened.  Phillips (a Facebook friend of mine) was furious.  Part of the letter he sent to the school:
It may come as a shock to Mr. DeLarme, It may even be news to you, but my son is not the only boy in Woodland Hills with a BB gun. There are quite a few boys attending your school who not only own BB guns, but own real guns as well. (Some of them play air soft with my son!) Their fathers, mothers, and brothers also own guns and shoot regularly. Owning a gun is NOT a sign of mental illness. Owning a BB gun is NOT an indication of mental instability! Certainly, showing friends a photograph of a gun is NOT a warning sign that a student is a potential danger to his classmates! I object, in the strongest of terms, to my son being treated as a potential danger and to his being threatened with law enforcement. I further object to not being notified! If Mr. DeLarme truly believed my son presented a danger, both my wife and I should have been notified immediately!
Turns out this teacher is a strong advocate of gun control.  Shocker!!!
 "…our country's position on gun control and violence is what makes such situations probable."
It is not only acceptable, but preferable, that a teacher reach out about a student that they feel is mentally unstable and who could potentially cause harm to others.  But that doesn't mean that every 15-year-old who shoots air guns is that danger.  Plenty of children play with air guns or paint guns.  My nephew used to love to play with paint guns when he was younger.  It was a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon.  He is all grown and has never shot anyone.  As far as I know, he doesn't even own a gun today.  But the most reprehensible part of this story is that they were threatening this child with law enforcement without contacting his parents.  This is a minor we are talking about here.  A parent has the right to know that his child is being looked at as a danger to others.

We have gone way too far.  Schools have a responsibility to protect their students to the best of their abilities.  That doesn't give them the right to treat children who are interested in WWII soldiers and BB Guns as criminals and a danger to society. 

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