Monday, October 08, 2012

Romney Delivers Foreign Policy Speech to VMI

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney addressed the Virginia Military Institute this morning to both criticize the lack of American foreign policy leadership over the past four years and to lay out his vision for a stronger America, and a stronger American presence in the world.

And I must say, after carefully reading his speech and researching some of his proposals, I am impressed by its details. Not only did Mr. Romney effectively and decisively denounce the failed foreign policy of the past four years under President Obama, particularly in regards to the terrorist attack in Benghazi, but he cracked the lid and introduced us to some of his plans if elected.

These plans include rebuilding our Navy (15 new ships per year commissioned), rebuilding our friendships in the Gulf region, reforming the foreign aid process, putting the despotic rules of Iran and Russia on notice that we're no longer taking their affronts to liberty and peace, working with our allies in Syria to depose of Assad and strengthening NATO by getting every member to spend the agreed upon 2% of their GDP on security.

I imagine these are just the tip of the surface in Mr. Romney's foreign policy plans, but they do address some of the most important issues facing our nation today, while prioritizing overlooked cracks in our policy today, such as allowing our Navy to reach the weakest level since the early 1900's, or NATO members spending to little on security.

Overall, Mr. Romney's plans for an "American Century" are definitely appealing; one where the strength and prosperity of America and the world work hand-in-hand, rather then opposite and rudderless. I am hopeful as more people learn of the American Century, they will choose a hard copied road map instead of more on the fly hope and change.

What say you?

P.S. - Read Mr. Romney's entire speech here

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