Friday, August 03, 2012

Obama: Speak Softly and Carry a Big Bat?

It is not unusual for President Obama and our allies to communicate on a regular basis, especially with the Turkish Prime Minister in regards to the ongoing situation in neighboring Syria, however the Turkish press and government are bewildered over a photo released by the White House of President Obama talking to the Prime Minister earlier this week:

Speak softly while clutching a big bat?
Maybe the President really likes baseball, or maybe he's trying to create the image of Teddy Roosevelt's famous "walk softly and carry a big stick" quote for the fall campaign, but either way it's a massive failure.

Why do I say that?

Well, for one if you're trying to create the image of toughness while dealing with foreign leaders - you (a.) don't pick a friendly ally to do it with, (b.) don't post the picture on the internet detailing which friendly ally your using as a campaign prop, (c.) don't use a friendly ally that you need on a crucial and strategic issue - and lastly you don't use the President's liking of baseball to justify an obvious campaign gimmick to foreign press.

Oh, also, President Obama had a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who's opposition to tough U.N. sanctions, or even a resolution condemning the Syrian regime has led to impotency on the U.N. security council and hindered international efforts to resolve the crisis, but apparently didn't feel a photo op would be appropriate that would actually show strength against a foe..... Only our allies, I guess, are game.

This picture describes the entire Obama presidency: all bark; no bite. Hell, not even bark when it comes to our foes... Ugh

What say you?

1 comment:

  1. 'A man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms. Enthusiasms, enthusiasms... What are mine? What draws my admiration? What is that which gives me joy? Baseball! A man stands alone at the plate. This is the time for what? For individual achievement. There he stands alone. But in the field, what? Part of a team. Teamwork... Looks, throws, catches, hustles. Part of one big team. Bats himself the live-long day, Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, and so on. If his team don't field... what is he? You follow me? No one. Sunny day, the stands are full of fans. What does he have to say? I'm goin' out there for myself. But... I get nowhere unless the team wins.'

    Al Capone, The Untouchables (1987)
