Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rubio's Religious Past: Mormonism

HT: FeedBuzz

When I woke up this morning the religious faith of Marco Rubio was the last thing on my mind, but thirty minutes later, here I am writing about the religious faith of Marco Rubio, all because someone thought the topic needed to be addressed and that it might have political implications.

According to an exclusive story by Buzzfeed's McKay Coppins, which I stumbled upon by Hot Air, when Marco Rubio, and his family lived in Nevada during his pre-high school years, they converted away from the Roman Catholic faith and became Mormons for several years, apparently Marco was enthusiastic about his new faith.

But when they moved back to Miami, the family all converted back to the Catholic church and their Mormon roots have not been particulary important since then. In fact, judging by Rubio's church of choice now (non-denominational Baptist), he has converted once again since moving back to Miami.

And my thoughts: so what?

I doubt this (1.) would matter to voters nationally if Rubio was ever on the top, or bottom of a GOP ticket, (2.) would mean anything to someone like Mitt Romney in the Veep-stakes, in fact it would probably be another plus in selecting him and (3.) has any significance at all. As someone who has belonged to several different denominations in just 18 years, family's seeeking new faiths isn't new.

Besides, Rubio spending several years as a Mormon doesn't change the fact he's from the South, he belongs officially to the Catholic church, he's of Cuban origin and that he's a rock star in the GOP.

What say you?

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