Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Do You Talk to Your 8-year-old About Your Sex Life?

I didn't think so.  I don't have one, but I can guarantee you if I did I wouldn't be talking about it with them.  Michele Bachmann is currently promoting her new book Core of Conviction - My Story.  During a book signing a young boy leaned over to her and said:
"My mommy's gay, but she doesn't need fixing."
I realize that gay is something that young children through around when they have nothing better to say when they are trying to hurt someone else's feelings.  But, the reality is an 8 year old doesn't really understand what that means.  Children are curious and ask questions.  But a child that age will usually be fine with a simple explanation, some families have two mommy's or two daddy's whatever the case may be, and they don't require any further information. 

This is how this is being characterized in the media:
The candidate, who is an outspoken opponent of same-sex marriage, met her match with the soft-spoken, pint-sized activist
 Pint-sized activist?  You really expect me to believe that an 8 year old went up and said to his mom, hey mom, I heard that Michele Bachmann is in town for a book signing.  Could you please drive me over there so I can tell her that there is nothing wrong with you, even though you are gay?  

This is a woman who decided to use her own child to score cheap political points against a woman who believes that gay marriage is wrong.  The same gay marriage that has been voted down every time it has been put on a ballot, including in very progressive leaning California.  

Oh, and they just happened to have someone video tape it for them too.  

I could care less that this women is gay.  What I do care about is the fact that she is willing to exploit her own child for her own self interests.  Shocker, she is part of the occupy movement.  Remind me to add her name to the Mother of the Year award.

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