Monday, October 24, 2011

The Vision Statement Reads

I was looking something up and came across this:
Dr. King championed a movement that draws fully from the deep well of America's potential for freedom, opportunity, and justice. His vision of America is captured in his message of hope and possibility for a future anchored in dignity, sensitivity, and mutual respect; a message that challenges each of us to recognize that America's true strength lies in its diversity of talents. The vision of a memorial in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. is one that captures the essence of his message, a message in which he so eloquently affirms the commanding tenants of the American Dream – Freedom, Democracy and Opportunity for All; a noble quest that gained him the Nobel Peace Prize and one that continues to influence people and societies throughout the world. Upon reflection, we are reminded that Dr. King's lifelong dedication to the idea of achieving human dignity through global relationships of well being has served to instill a broader and deeper sense of duty within each of us— a duty to be both responsible citizens and conscientious stewards of freedom and democracy
This is the Vision Statement for the Dr. King Memorial that recently was dedicated in Washington, DC.
You read this and then listen to the statements by "black" leaders talking about Herman Cain and you just have to shake your head.  Jesse Jackson watched Dr. King die.  Al Sharpton seems to liken himself to being the next generation that is keeping Dr. King's legacy alive.

What a shame that they have totally missed his entire message.  They are too steeped in victimhood to see that Justice Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain achieved exactly what Dr. King wanted them to achieve.  They found dignity in their belief systems and have the courage to stand by them, even when the race baitors of the world try to tear them down.  

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