Thursday, October 13, 2011

Is Herman Cain a Threat to the Race Hustlers?

Herman Cain is resonating and creating a stir across the United States.  Mr. Cain doesn't fit the typical mode of a black conservative since he has lived his life in the black community.  At least this is part of the argument that some have used.  I suppose to the liberal mind being married to a black women and being conservative is an unusual occurrence.  Mr. Cain also was born and raised in the south during the times of Jim Crowe.  He has seen racism.  He was turned away from the college of his choice due strictly to race. 

 The black liberal talking heads are ready to explode due one statement made by Cain recently,
 “believe there is racism in this country today that holds anybody back in a big way.”
The response to this has been quick.  Race baiter Cornell West believes that he is trivializing a serious issue.  Now, Mr. Cain is not saying that racism doesn't exist.  He is saying that over the course of his lifetime the chances of being held back strictly based on race is much less now than at the time of his youth.  Cornell West lives his life inside the bubble of "I am black, therefore I am victim".  His entire world view is based on his color and race relations.  The simple act of going to grocery store has racial implications to him.  Mr. Cain on the other hand lives his life like he is a human being who happens to be black.  He knows what true racism is, as he has seen it.  But, he has also seen his parents achieve the level of success that they were looking to reach.  Owning a home and having the money to send their children to college was the dream that they worked towards.  Today, this man's son is a potential nominee to run for the President of the United States.  I would say that we have come a long way baby.  I am sure that Cain's parents didn't dream this scenario. 

 Juan Williams has gotten into the conversation as well:
“Right on, brother. And I’ll tell you why I say ‘right on.’ Because West, Tavis Smiley, those guys are threatened by the success of Herman Cain. And I think that they feel that anybody who doesn’t buy into all the racism charges that they’re constantly- You know, in their world, President Obama doesn’t exist. You know, these are the same people who criticize Obama for not being sufficient. So imagine the way they feel.”
Think of Al Sharpton, who makes his living playing the victim, if we become a more colorblind society how does Sharpton continue his ways?  People like West, Smiley, Sharpton, Jackson, and others will have to find a new thing to complain about and find other ways to hustle people for money.  These are the same people who seem to ignore that our country has elected a person of color to the highest office in the land.  We weren't racist on that day, but every day before and since. 

 Herman Cain is redefining what being black in America is all about.  He is reaching out and Middle America is seeing for themselves that the illusion the GOP is full of racists was just that, an illusion.  They are terrified that people who fill their coffers are no longer to going to quite so willing to go along if the true story comes out. 

 The true story is that most people in this country have gotten past skin color and have moved on.  We are interested in living our own lives and could care less if the person who moves in next door has more pigment in their skin than they do.  We are more interested in actually fixing the problems in our country than continually pointing the finger at who is blame for it. 

 Herman Cain is not trivializing race relations in this country, he is redefining them.  That is all too scary of a proposition to the hustlers who make a very good living off liberal white guilt.

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