Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Aurelius, one of my counter parts here at Pundit Press,  posted an article earlier today that showed 51% of New Yorkers do not want Anthony Weiner to resign. What are these people thinking?

Like many in power, Weiner thinks he is invincible; just like a high school or college kid who thinks he can pull any stunt or drink any amount and never suffer any consequence. But his invincibility isn't born from the inexperience of youth, it comes from his drunken-ness with his own power. He is (or was) a rising political star; surely he could do no wrong.

Weiner's actions were that of a man-child -- power with no maturity. According to his own statement, he'd been doing this for years. When he married last year, he claims to have told his wife about his "problem" but promised to stop; which, not surprisingly, he never did.

His cover-up was another act of a man-child -- his own sense of power with no maturity. He thought he could "cow" the media; he thought he could undermine Breitbart. Reality set it when those with greater power than him (e.g., Nancy Pelosi) told him it was pretty much over. The Democrat party has no reason to protect him. In office, he is now a liability. Removed from office, they can easily replace him with another Democrat (any "party line" Democrat will win his district with 60-65% of the vote).

Weiner should resign in disgrace. Our Federal government has enormous power (whether we like it or not). With that power needs to come a level of responsibility and maturity. Every member of Congress participates in decisions of great economic and social consequence. They play a role in deciding whether to send our brave young men and women to war. There is no place in that body for someone with Weiner's lack of maturity and bad judgment.

His only defense at this point is that many others in Congress are equally as drunk with their own power, and equally as immature as he. Maybe because of him, we'll pay attention to that aspect of our election choices a little bit more.

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  1. Unfortunately, a lot of people here in New York are useful, liberal idiots

  2. We have a few in Texas as well.
