Monday, June 13, 2011

New Hampshire Debate Review

I just finished watching the two hour long Republican debate on CNN and I have the following thoughts.

On Michele Bachmann: Announcing her 2012 campaign with millions of voters watching was political gold, but there are only so many times you can mention your 23 foster children.

On Herman Cain: He once again deferred on serious foreign policy issues to unknown "experts" and he trumped business experience every chance he got, which is understandable.

On Newt Gingrich: The former Speaker resurrected his campaign tonight, but his answers were confusing on space exploration and immigration.

On Tim Pawlenty: He spoke clearly in favor of supporting our War on Terror and continued exploration in space, but once again came off as boring.

On Ron Paul: He brought up the "military industrial complex" a couple of times and said our presence in the Middle East has done nothing for our security. Has he heard of Osama bin Laden's death or Saddam's overthrow?

On Mitt Romney: He performed the best tonight by successfully filling the role of front runner and his answer on Romneycare was rooted in federalism.

On Rick Santorum: He proudly stood for traditional marriage, life, the War on Terror, DADT and repealing all ethanol subsidies.

Any thoughts?

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