Sunday, June 05, 2011

Israeli Forces Fire on Pro-Palestinian Mob

The government of Syrian dictator, Bashar al-Assad, is facing larger and alrger protests. Despite the fact that the government there has massacred over 1,000 civilians the protests do not appear to be relenting. To try and create an artificial crisis, it appears that Assad's government is sending mobs to the Israeli border, seeking to spark a conflict to create a common enemy with the protesters.

And the Syrians are hamming up the incident where Israeli forces fired on the violent crowd:

State-run Syrian TV reported six dead, including a 12-year-old boy, and 15 wounded. There was no immediate confirmation of those reports.

Mohammed Hasan, a 16-year old student, was wounded in both feet. "We want on this occasion to remind America and the whole world that we have a right to return to our country," he said.

Syria might just start a war if it thinks it will save their regime.

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