Thursday, May 19, 2011

Disgusting New Anti-Paul Ryan Ad

 Below is an ad the DCC Agenda Project has running against Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan.

This is what they have below the video:

With pretty boy Paul Ryan's draconian and savage cuts to Medicare in his budget proposal, we have to ask ourselves: Is America still beautiful without Medicare?
So stupid.

Please bookmark!

1 comment:

  1. The left may think we older Americans are stupid, but they have forgotten we were a
    generation that was taught to read, write and
    to think. We left this country in good shape,
    it is the present group of narcistic, left leaning, privledged generation that is bringing
    harm to our way of life. God gave us a wonderful country, and a great form of government. Many have fought to keep it. This
    group is destroying what we built at rapid pace. Your fired Mr. Obama!
