Friday, April 29, 2011

Shale Gas to the Rescue if Our "Trustees" Don't Prohibit It

Two remarkable headlines from Facts of the Day

In spite of the obvious economic benefits this industry offers we get absolute nonsense from our trusted leaders.

For example, the Cooperstown Board of Trustees unanimously adopted an official statement on natural gas exploration and hydrofracking. In it, they argue that "the village and surrounding area have hundreds of millions of dollars of long term investment at risk of collapse if hydrofracking comes to the state. The devastation to the village and its world class attractions would be incalculable. Our losses would far exceed, by orders of magnitude, the completely unsubstantiated potential gains put forth by the gas drilling industry and its supporters." Hyperbole anyone? If you read this blog at all you know there are multiple studies and articles supporting those potential financial gains the hydraulic fracturing offers. And I have a question. What are these long term investments, whose money is invested and where can I find a chunk of it? Ok that is really three questions.

As yet I am unable to find a copy of the official statement and am left with the journalistic work of The Daily Star. If you have time to follow the link be sure to take a look at the comments. There seems to be an incredible amount of animosity and resentment that is starting to bubble up. Most of this seems to be one of class warfare. With farmers, blue collar workers and entrepreneurs speaking out against upper class, old money betters who are happy with the status quo and don't want to see their million dollar homes and notion of pastoral living spoiled by economic activity and success.

I will conclude with a couple of comments from the article.

First from Dairy Farmer:

"Somewhere people want to come visit, live and invest? Invest in what--nothing remotely progressive is ever welcomed in this part of the country. And how many pollutants do all those tourists account for; And traffic--avoid Cooperstown in the summer at all costs."

And from Land of Oz:

If I Only Had a Brain..

I could live in Cooperstown,
where all the people frown.
And we learn to drop a name...

Put a lawn sign on my yard,
and have cocktails with old-guard,
If I only had a brain..

I could gald-hand on the boards,
Get my children their next jobs,
And make sure to love on Jane..

Ignore that fertilizer
from the golf course to the river
If I only had a brain...

Why I...
Could just decide...
That my carbon footprint really doesn't count..

Then I...
Could just cry...
"Nimby Nimby", as I drive about.. (to the club, in my boat, in my snappy ineffiecient convertable)

It's a pleasure being me..
Getting energy for freee.. (what? someone else's back yard?)
As I'd rather just not know...

So I'll make up lots of lies
Get my friends to strategies,
If I only had a brain...

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