Thursday, April 07, 2011

Marcellus Shale Lawsuits to Begin

Thirteen families in Lenox Township is suing Southwestern Energy, claiming that in drilling in the Marcellus Shale the company contaminated their water supply and made them sick. This is one of the first lawsuits in the nation attempting to link hydraulic fracturing with contaminated water supplies. The families have hired Julia LaMense, an environmental attorney at the New York firm, Wietz and Luxemborg.

LaMense and the firm she works with has some experience in these matters having been involved in the California case that accused a power company of contaminating a town's water supply. They made a movie out of that one and forever immortalized Erin Brochovich and the millions of dollars made in settlement. What is remarkable is that cancer rates for Hinkley California are not higher that average and thereby the claim remains suspect.

What remains puzzling is with all the great potential for lawsuits why Michael Rosenzweig of Edgar Snyder and Associates would need to recruit plaintiffs?
"Rosenzweig's firm has begun running advertisements seeking clients who have been injured in Marcellus Shale accidents. Some of the cases include motorists who were injured in care accidents allegedly caused by damage to the road from the big rigs used to transport equipment to the wells and workers who sustained injuries when a tank on one site exploded."
It will be interesting to see how this plays out as it is the first case....

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