Thursday, March 17, 2011

On Today's Continuing Resolution Vote.


The continuing resolution has passed the Senate 87-13.

--Original Article--

I do not have much time to blog this morning, but I do have a few comments about the continuing resolution that Senators will vote on this afternoon.

All Senators who label themselves "fiscally conservative" should vote for this resolution, because it keeps the federal government running and cuts $6 billion in spending. This is not the time to be full of greed for more cuts - we should be pleased that America has reached a position where cutting is actually occurring in Congress.

Passing this resolution would mean $10 billion has been cut in the past month, which is something Conservatives should be very proud of. Our movement has succeeded in winning the debate over government spending, and we're already seeing the positive results of our victory.

Rome wasn't built in one day and neither will our debt be eliminated in one day.

What say you?


  1. I say BS and lots of it. Boehner had a chance to cut 105 Billion and he chickens out. He is a dead duck. He has been there too long. It was a mistake ( and a lot of us knew it ) to make this guy Speaker. God I hope he gets a few visits from some Tea Party folks.

  2. Amen and amen to "Anonymous'" sentiment! Boehner completely ignored the warning call from Bachmann (no doubting it, after he knifed her over the #4 spot in the GOP in favor of his RINO cohort, Hensarling); calls which alerted the world to $105.5 billion in spending already made a permanent part of Obamacare. What's more, the current CR allows Planned Parenthood to proceed as well as Obama's EPA agenda. Passing this resolution was another slap in the face to TRUE Conservatives in the same vein as lame-duck 2010! I could go on, but my blood pressure is starting to rise!
