Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Vote in Our Poll: Was the House Right to Block Provisions of the Patriot Act?

This week some House Republicans voted against the extension of portions of the Patriot Act. Many of the 'nay' votes were freshmen and have argued against what they call the excesses of these provisions. Large portions of the Democratic caucus also voted against the extension. The majority of House Republicans voted for the passage.

So what do you think?

Was the House Right to Block Provisions of the Patriot Act?Market Research

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  1. How about you include DETAILS about each of the provisions that were included? How are we to choose without knowing the specifics?

    Is that how you Reporters and Journalists work?

  2. I had reservations about it when it was passed. I never liked the Clinton use of FBI raw data files for political purposes. Now we have the Chicago School of Mob Politics. I do not trust them any farther than I can throw a loaded boxcar.
