Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Donate for the New HillBuzz Site

 Yesterday we had the great opportunity to interview Kevin DuJan of the site HillBuzz. That site is undergoing a fundraiser in order to switch over to a new site with new servers. We wanted to encourage our readers to check out their site and to consider chipping in a few cents towards their efforts.

As they said:

We are ready to go with the new site…which will be launching in February.  We’ll be on our own server, with a lot more functionality, but we’ll be paying for that server space and maintenance. It’s a big leap for us, so anything you could toss our way to defray those costs is hugely appreciated.  The new site will be ad-supported so at last HB will be self-sufficient in the not too distant future.  If you like what we do, we really need the help to get to the next level.


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