Monday, January 31, 2011

Stunning Poll Number from Rasmussen - 46% of Sarah Palin supporters say they'd consider a 3rd Party if she's not nominated

Just released from Rasmussen...
Nearly half of the Republican Primary voters who support Sarah Palin say they are at least somewhat likely to vote for a third-party candidate if she does not win the GOP presidential nomination.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 46% of Likely Republican Primary Voters who favor Palin say they are at least somewhat likely to vote third-party if she isn’t nominated. That includes 22% who say it is Very Likely.
A sign that Mitt Romney, and other prospective frontrunners might need to shore up Tea Party support, perhaps?

Meanwhile, on another front NewsMax is headlining that Donald Trump is inching closer and closer to announcing for 2012.

Will he go Republican or the 3rd Party route?

Note - I am a former longtime member of the Libertarian Party, and served in Ron Paul's 1988 Libertarian Party presidential campaign as his Travel Aide.

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