Friday, January 07, 2011

Pelosi: Dems Lost House Because of Bush

Nancy Pelosi is crazy, we all know that.  However, I don't think anyone thought she was this crazy:

I'm sure I don't need to remind anyone of this, but Pelosi did not just happen to come to power when President Obama was elected.  So her argument that it was all the "last administration's" fault already is made moot.  But let's go a little further.

Under President Bush, unemployment was, on average, around 5-6%.  Only after Democrats won the House and Senate did unemployment balloon over this.  And guess who was the Speaker of the House for the Democrats.  You guessed it, none other than Pelosi herself.

Let's go even further.  When President Bush left office, unemployment was slightly over 8%.  President Obama promised that if the Democratic controlled Congress passed the Stimulus bill, that unemployment would stop rising.  So the Stimulus was passed, with tacit approval by, once again, Nancy Pelosi.  What happened?  Unemployment shot up again.

Let's go deeper still.  When Republicans were elected in a landslide this past November, what was the reasoning that average citizens gave for voting Dems out?  People were tired of overspending, higher taxes, and poor administration.  Did you notice how there was no mention of "Bush was evil?"  That's because Bush had been out of office for almost two years by then.

All this points to one thing that we all know already: Pelosi's full of it.  It also shows why Democrats were voted out in the first place: they cannot accept truth and blindly blame everyone else for problems they caused.

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