Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Liberal Democrats Revolt Over Obama Compromise, Call him a piece of "S**t," Demand Primary Challenge

President Obama has compromised with Republicans over the last several days.  You read that right.  In order to secure some of his economic policies, Obama conceded Republicans that taxes for higher-earners should remain cut.  In return, despite the fact that they did not get all of their economic wishes, some Congressional Republicans have promised their vote.

While President Obama may be trying to give himself a pat on the back now that he has secured more votes, one group of people are furious with the President:  his base.  Once the compromise was announced, across the internet thousands of liberal democrats took to their keyboards to bash the Commander in Chief they so blindly followed for the last two years.

For example, the liberal site The Huffington Post had over 20,000 comments on their article announcing the deal.  The liberal site Daily Kos had nearly 1,000 comments on their article, entitled "President Obama announces deal to continue Bush tax policy."  Here are just a few comments from Daily Kos that show the tremendous displeasure that liberals have with their President (with some language cleaned up):
Comments on the Huffington Post were not much kinder:
Clearly those that supported the President just two years ago are starting to leave him in droves.  This could lead to an incredibly interesting 2012 primary season and could be extremely beneficial to Republicans that election year.

By the way, now that Democrats are harshly criticizing the President, are they racists?  Because, according to Jimmy Carter and a slew of other liberal nut-jobs, those who criticize Obama are racists.

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  1. Sad--Ain't it. NOT! The parasites and low lifes are angry. They might have a little less money to bleed off the taxpayers. Howard

  2. I love the post above from 'lucerot' who writes that Democrats are all about raising taxes.

  3. Parasites hate it but HOSTS feel a bit differently. I WONDER WHY?

  4. On MSNBC this morning, they played a voice mail from a caller ranting and raving about how he'd forgo his tax cut so long as the rich are made to pay.

    This entire episode demonstrates conclusively that the left is completely motivated by envy. They are willing to do anything so long as the evil "rich" are punished.

    This is how communist societies were able to survive for so long -- we don't care if we're dirt poor and miserable so long as the "rich" are stripped of their wealth and worse.

    The only conclusion that I can draw is that we must do everything possible to destroy left in America.
