Monday, December 13, 2010

Breaking: Tax Cut Bill Advances in Senate

The tax cut compromise reached by President Obama and Republicans has passed its first hurdle in the Senate.  According to breaking news, the tax deal has gained the 60 votes it needed to advance in the Senate.  This would pave the way for the bill's passing in only a day or two.

Despite the fact that the bill has now passed its first test, it has been met with some resistance by both Democrats and Republicans.  Some Democrats argue that there should be no extension of tax cuts, while many Republicans believe that the extra spending in the bill would increase the deficit.

The compromise came after President Barack Obama compared Republicans to terrorists who were holding the middle class "hostage."  After his political talking points, however, the President actually decided to try to work with Republicans instead of mindlessly bashing them.

The deal was announced to mixed feelings amongst some Republicans, but the harshest criticism came from the President's base.  Once the compromise was announced, across the internet thousands of liberal democrats took to their keyboards to bash the Commander in Chief they so blindly followed for the last two years.

For example, the liberal site The Huffington Post had over 20,000 comments on their article announcing the deal.  The liberal site Daily Kos had nearly 1,000 comments on their article, entitled "President Obama announces deal to continue Bush tax policy."  Here are just a few comments from Daily Kos that show the tremendous displeasure that liberals have with their President (with some language cleaned up):

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1 comment:

  1. How can President OBAMA use the word '.HOSTAGE." when speaking of his
    own American people.
    Doesn't he know that this is a word
    reserved for foriegn countries' holding
    Americans for monies or some type of
    service. Or it is used to typify an
    American criminal holding a fellow
    American for the same reasons.

    To be used against an enemy in the
    passage of various bills in congress
    or the senate is EXTRAORDINARY POOR

    Is it time for an apology from OBAMA?
