Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pelosi: I Cut "$1.5 Trillion" in Taxes, Cut Deficit in Half

You might think that out-going Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would have learned from the Democrats' massive trouncing two weeks ago.  If you do, you are wrong.  Not only is Pelosi still pushing her ridiculous agenda, she is also upping her lies.

According to Pelosi, the 111th Congress, thanks to her leadership, saved the United States from economic ruin and in fact made it much stronger.  It's all in her faux-facts "blog" The Gavel.  I suppose now that Ms. Pelosi is going to lose control of the House, she thinks lying her botoxed face off will have no consequences.

For example, according to Pelosi, she passed massive legislation that increased "Financial Responsibility" to Congress.  Not only that, but she cut "taxes for most Americans by $1.5 trillion."  At the end of the paragraph, she declares "Action Completed," obviously to imply that she actually did something like this.

But why stop there?  Pelosi continues with her lies, and cites several projects that "created" millions upon millions of jobs for the American people.

First she references the Stimulus Package, which she states "jumstart[ed] our economy."  According to her, it will "create and save 3.5 million jobs" and "give a tax cut to small business and 95% of American workers."  I'm sure this is a small point, but the fact that the unemployment rate under Obama has exploded utterly destroys the idea that the Stimulus jumpstarted anything.
And by the way, how do you give a "tax cut" to 95% of Americans when in fact you're making them pay $787,000,000,000?  Well, Ms. Pelosi doesn't give it a second thought and pushes forward in her rhetoric.

Pelosi continues that she has created over 500,000 jobs through other types of Stimulus, government spending, and "tax breaks."  Sure you did, Nancy.

By the end of her "accomplishments," she states that she has "completed," quote, "cutting Bush deficit by more than half by 2013."  That's weird, considering that the CBO states that in 2009 alone, the Obama Administration and Congress have quadrupled the deficit:

Pelosi may think that she can pull a fast one on the American people, but she is mistaken.

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1 comment:

  1. Someone should smack here with that mallet, maybe it would help her to remember.
