Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Nancy Pelosi Election

In a year that Republicans made historical gains in both the House and Senate, it behooves us to look at the effect it will have on the higher-ups.  Nancy Pelosi is the current Speaker of the House, who became such in 2007 and I'll take a look at her first.

Democrats lost control of the House to Republicans yesterday and the January inauguration will usher them into power.  Though a fellow writer for this blog supposed that Ms. Pelosi could potentially lose all her clout in the Democratic Party, I believe that this will probably not happen.

Though it is possible that she will lose all of her "power," I would not be surprised if she retained a leadership positions.  Do not forget that it has been Democratic scripture that Bush is at fault for everything in the last 10 years.  What would prevent them from blaming their election loss on our 43rd President as well?  I mean, they've even blamed natural disasters on him; it is not a stretch of the imagination that they'd cook up something crazy.

Either way, expect Pelosi to take time out of Congress's busy schedule to tout all of the "success" she had as Speaker of the House.

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  1. Nancy Pelosi will go down as one of the Great Speakers of the House and should be praised for passing legislation that sought to improve conditions in this country (health care reform, cap and trade, and banking reform among others) despite the fact that some of these were not the most popular reforms. However, great leaders are not afraid to stand on principle to fight for America regardless of the political consequences. For these reasons, Pelosi is a true American hero.

  2. great leaders are not afraid to stand on principle to fight for America

    Wait....was that 'fight FOR America' or just 'fight Americans'?

    For her attempts to re-create the USA in the image of yet another bankrupt European Union entitlement state, Nancy Pelosi will be nothing more than a punchline.
