Sunday, October 31, 2010

South Carolina Senate Polls

Senator Jim DeMint (R), founder of the highly effective and successful Senate Conservatives Fund, is cruising towards a definitive victory over his Democrat and Green Party opponents, Alvin Greene and Tom Clements respectively.

DeMint, who was first elected into the Senate back in 2004 by 150,000 votes or so, has been a beacon of hope for Conservative activists since President Obama took office in 2009, and has used all of his spare, yet important political capital to push anti-establishment candidates across the nation towards victory in both Primary and General elections.

Though his re-election was never in question, due to South Carolina's growing Republican bastion, and Nikki Haley's campaign has stole the show in Columbia, Senator DeMint's second term was all but guaranteed when the Democrat voters selected Alvin Green to be their Nominee for U.S. Senate.

Alvin Greene is insane. He's facing anywhere from three-to-eight years in prison if convicted on felony obscenity charges, he won the Democrat Primary without one mention of his candiday to the voters of South Carolina, and his most recent appearance on the liberal MSNBC ended with him declaring "DeMint started the recession" at the end of almost every sentence.

South Carolina's anti-DeMint forces have become a pure joke, such a joke that their candidate of choice is Tom Clements, a Greenpeace activist running on the Green Party line. Which is actually their strongest bet against DeMint, because Mr.Clements gained 12% of the vote in a recent poll, while Alvin Greene gained11%.

It's safe to say that Jim DeMint will be in the United States Senate for at least six more years.

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