Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sharron Angle Rakes in $14 Million

Sharron Angle's fight to the finish with Harry Reid appears to be growing more intense, if that can be believed. The Senate Majority leader has fallen behind in recent polls and now this appears to be just another piece of bad news for the Senator. Republican Sharron Angle, on the wave of Tea Party and nationwide GOP support, has increased her warchest through tremendous amounts of donations.

While this number is still behind Reid's takings-in, it still represents a dramatic rise in the support of Angle. It appears that voters are donating from all over the country for Angle, in proportions much higher than in her primary bid for the Republican nod. According to the Washington Post, this number now approaches $14 million for the third quarter alone while Reid took in $18 million so far this entire cycle.

Reid has yet to release his third quarter fundraising totals but as of mid-summer he had collected just short of $14 million so far in 2010. For the election cycle to date, Reid has raised $18 million.
Angle's fundraising over the last three months represent an exponential gain over what she collected during her underdog primary bid in which she was heavily outspent by two Republican opponents but managed to win the race thanks to strong support from the tea party movement.
Still, the news appears perplexing and poor for Reid, whose public support remains well under 50% while Angle appears to be making gains.

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