Monday, October 11, 2010

Obama on 2010 Elections: "We Need to Fight"

2010 is looking bleak for Democrats in the United States running for office.  Most analysts have predicted that Republicans will take back the House of Representatives, while many others also believe that the GOP will take the Senate as well.  This comes at a time when much of the United States economy is in shambles and people fear that the government is gaining too much power.

Last week, President Barack Obama responded to the situation on his Facebook page: "We need to fight as hard as ever," the President stated.  He continued, we need to "fight to keep making change:"

Furthermore, the President referred to some sort of "movement," but did not go into detail as to what that movement exactly is.  President Obama then linked to a website where you could donate money to him.  On it, he bashed millionaires (whom he only refereed to as "the millionaires) and once again referenced some sort of political "movement:"

These statements come as Republicans are poised to make incredible gains across the country, based partially off of discontent with President Obama.  According to RealClearPolitics, 3% more people disapprove of the President's performance than approve.

The President, who came into office promising to end partisan divide, then went on to bash Republicans, stating that the GOP would maliciously deprive 8 million students of their education:
Something tells me that the President will be pretty upset come November 3rd morning.

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