Sunday, October 24, 2010

Daily Kos: "Anything Could Happen" in Nov. Election, Dems Could Even Win Big

You really have to wonder if anyone, one, reads Daily Kos, or two, if anyone does, if they have a central nervous system.  In an election year where Republicans are poised to make historical gains in the House and Senate, the extremely liberal site Daily Kos is now saying that "anything could happen" come election time, nine days from now.

Daily Kos spends much of the article declaring over and over again that the election is "unpredictable."  Yet even though the article uses over 1,500 words, they are all wasted; not a single good point is made.  However, there are several asinine points made that should have anyone laughing.

However, before we get to that, let me outline a few points: first, nearly every polling organization, from Rasmussen to Real Clear Politics, has Republicans winning big in the coming election.  Second, across the nation there has been a visible and energized ground-swell of support for anti-incumbent, and pro-conservative candidates.  Apparently Daily Kos, as always, has its head in the sand, because according to them, Dems still have a shot at hitting a home run.

For example, in the article, Daily Kos cites a non-scientific website that claims that voter turn-out is similar to the 2008 Presidential election, when Democratic then-Senator Barack Obama defeated Republican Senator John McCain:
Most people would, and should, scoff at the fact that Daily Kos references a non-scientific website/poll.  They should also laugh at the claim that there is no "enthusiasm gap," as it has been seen, and proven, that there is indeed one that exists.  I suppose that even when faced with truth, Daily Kos finds it comforting to bury their head in the sand.

And just to top it all off, for whatever reason Dail Kos found it necessary to bash the United States' most accurate polling service, Rasmussen.  I guess they feel they have to try to discredit it, because it isn't saying what they want:
This is why liberals are going to lose big in a week and a half.  They simply cannot stop lying to people, even when faced with irrefutable facts.  This can be seen with how the article is finished:
"With nine days to go in this election cycle, pretty much anything could happen. Never have there been so many competitive races, so late in the cycle. Never have the traditional predictors of an election been so cloudy."
No wonder Daily Kos readership is tremendously down.

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