Wednesday, October 20, 2010

America: Land of the Snipped.

What the hell has happened to us?

In World War 2: millions of American soldiers fought for revenge against the Japanese, and justice against the Nazi scum. Close to 500,000 soldiers paid the ultimate price in that war, but we defeated the greatest evil known to man, and not for one second did we consider withdrawal before our worthy mission was completed.

That was the America that fought! That triumphed! That never surrendered!

Now our Nation under Barack Obama is more concerned with leaving wars, instead of finishing them. More concerned with "peace talks" with the enemy, than "war councils" to deal with the enemy. More concerned with a policy of political correctness to Muslims, instead of calling our enemies what they are: Muslims.

600,000 Americans died over the question of slavery in the 1860's. Quite the price for freedom, but definitely a price that was more than worth it to every American that you ask. But, now when 6,000 Americans die over a battle that was launched when 3,000 Americans were murdered by Jihadists on our Soil, the price just isn't right anymore.

If America doesn't turn course soon. We will not longer be the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave. But rather the Land of the Snipped, and the Home of the Meek.

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