Monday, September 27, 2010

Barney Frank Needs Bill Clinton to Campaign for Him?

 A fitting follow-up to my article last night about the Democrats' woes in Massachusetts. Yes, that deep-blue, semi-crazy state appears to be ready to throw out one of its loudest and most liberal members. Apparently powerful House Finances Chairman Barney Frank needs former President Bill Clinton to come to his MA-4 district and campaign for him despite running unopposed in 2006 and winning over 64% of the vote in 2008.

This year he faces a stiff challenge from former Marine Sean Bielat who appears to be scaring the incumbent. Despite having a former President there to speak, the rally only garnered 300 people. Compare this to the fervor at the Republican rally:

With chants of, “Go Sean, Go,’’ and “Retire Barney’’ signs waving in the air, about 200 people gathered at the counter-rally to the Clinton appearance.
“Two days ago, Frank said the economy is poised for recovery,’’ said Bielat, 35, of Brookline, a Marine serving in the Reserves. “Going around the district, I haven’t found it.’’
He denounced the “arrogance’’ of incumbents who have forgotten their constituents.

This also comes as news is leaking out that Frank is polling under 50% in the liberal district and that Bielat is not as far away as one might think.

Frank * (D): 49%
Bielat (R): 39%
Other/und: 12%
* Denotes incumbent

Still, it's hard to see Bielat winning even with those numbers. However, it's always good to see the Democrats on the ropes in one of their core districts and having to divert money there that would have to be spent elsewhere.

To help out Mr. Bielat, check out his site and remember to donate!

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